An Apex of Demise



My thesis installation is titled An Apex of Demise. This installation explores an abstracted motorsports accident through an existential lens. There are different parts to this installation. A commanding large-scale painting and a complementary object will be thoughtfully arranged around the painting. All elements are suspended using chains, providing a cohesive visual narrative. The painting itself is an amalgamation of canvas, staples, nori paste, oil paint, and enamel paint. Imbued with tire marks and tool imprints, the painting is a tapestry of various mediums. The complementary object around the painting are what I call “artifacts.” These artifacts are sculptures that act as found objects that I have created to add to the world-building aspect of the piece and to add intensity to the work. Surrounding the final painting with these artifacts helps create that abstract accident I’m trying to convey.

The painting is the main focus of this installation, measuring 215 inches in height and around 110 inches in width. To achieve the final piece multiple layers are used throughout the creation process. The layering of  the canvas with the oil paint are placed on top of each other using nori paste to bind together the canvas. The tire markings for the painting are used from a race-worn tire. The tire is a used right front tire used by leagues associated with IndyCar, and since the tires get so hot during the race the entire tire melts. I’ve used the pattern created from the melted rubber and coated it with black enamel paint to roll across the canvas. The result is a thick form that reads as an oil spill on top of the canvas, which is an element used in automobiles and racecars. The second tire form that is used within the painting is a normal road tire woud see on everyday vehicles. I’m using this tire because it lays down the classic tread marks and acts as a way to combine the automotive and motorsports worlds. I’m using the tires as hand gesture markings and when on the canvas what do they mean? They could mean different things, like indicating the type of vehicle used during the accident, or as the skid marks right before the impact that proved fatal. Underneath the canvas I placed hand painted gas cans in the shape of a body bag to bring more of an impact to this abstracted accident. It could also be portrayed as the remains of the vehicle.
